Trump Considers New Travel Ban On 43 Countries

Trump Considers New Travel Ban On 43 Countries {Full List Of Countries}

Trump Considers New Travel Ban On 43 Countries

OpenLife Nigeria reports that the US government under President Donald Trump is considering a new travel ban targeting 22 African countries and 21 others.

However, Nigeria is not on the list.

This proposed ban is expected to be broader than the restrictions imposed during President Trump’s first term.
New York Times reported Friday that US diplomatic and security officials developed the draft list of 43 countries, some of which were included in the travel ban imposed during President Trump’s first administration.

The draft suggests a “red” list of 11 countries, an “orange” list of 10 countries, and a “yellow” list of 22 countries.

Citizens of countries on the red list would be flatly barred from entering the United States.
Those whose countries on the orange list will face travel restrictions. Affluent business travellers from such countries might be granted entry in these cases, but individuals arriving on immigrant or tourist visas would be denied access.

Countries on the yellow list will be given a 60-day window to address concerns before a verdict is reached.
Out of the 43 countries, 22 are African nations.

The red list has three African countries – Libya, Somalia, and Sudan. The rest of the countries from other continents on the red list are Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.
There are also three African countries – Eritrea, Sierra Leone, and South Sudan – on the orange list.

The rest are Belarus, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, and Turkmenistan.

With 16 counties, Africa dominates the yellow list. The 16 African countries on the yellow list are Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Zimbabwe.

The remaining six countries on the list are Antigua and Barbuda, Cambodia, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and Vanuatu.

The New York Times report, citing an official speaking on the condition of anonymity, stated that the list could be changed as it has yet to be approved by the administration.

Previous Travel Ban

President Trump sanctioned some countries on the draft red and orange lists in his first-term travel bans.
Additionally, the new countries on the list share characteristics with the previous lists—generally Muslim-majority or otherwise non-white, developing countries.

Nigeria was not included in the initial travel ban implemented under Mr Trump’s first administration. The ban had targeted seven predominantly Muslim-majority countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Subsequent revisions to the travel ban occurred, but Nigeria was not affected until 2020, when the administration announced an expansion of the travel restrictions to include Nigeria and five additional countries.

This expansion specifically targeted immigrant visas, restricting permanent residency applications from the country.

The ban was reversed in 2021 under Joe Biden’s administration.



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