Syukuro Manabe

Syukuro Manabe Wins 2021 Nobel Prize Laureate In Physics

Syukuro Manabe Wins
OpenLife Nigeria reports that Syukuro Manabe has won the 2021 Nobel Prize Laureate In Physics.
He was declared the winner on Tuesday afternoon. Syukuro Manabe is a senior meteorologist at Princeton University, USA.
Born in 1931 in Shingu, Japan in the early 1960’s, he developed a radiative-convective model of the atmosphere and explored the role of greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone in maintaining and changing the thermal structure of the atmosphere. This was the beginning of the long-term research on global warming, which he has continued until now in collaborating with the staff members of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of NOAA.

In the late 1960s, Kirk Bryan and Syukuro Manabe began to develop a general circulation model of the coupled atmosphere-ocean-land system, which eventually became a very powerful tool for the simulation of Global warming.
Furthermore, they have realized that a coupled model simulates well the low-frequency variability of climate. This has encouraged them to use a coupled model for exploring not only global warming but also unforced, natural variability of climate from seasonal to centennial time scales.

The analysis of deep-sea sediments and continental ice sheets indicates that the Earth’s climate has fluctuated greatly during the geological past.
Throughout his career, past climate changes have posed many challenging questions, which he has tried to answer using climate models with varying complexity.

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