South African Broadcasting Corporation reveals shocking insights into how the SCOAN building was destroyed

South African Broadcasting Corporation, SABC,  the public broadcaster in South Africa which  provides 19 radio stations as well as five television broadcasts to the general public has revealed shocking revelation into how Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN was destroyed in 2014. 

In this exclusive footage from SABC, an interview was conducted with scientist and weapons expert, Paul Iguniwei, who revealed shocking details about the advanced infrasonic weapons he concluded were used to attack and destroy the building at, SCOAN, in Lagos, Nigeria on September 12th 2014.

Approved and published by the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), his groundbreaking research provides clear evidence that structural failure was not behind the building’s collapse and highlights the role of the strange plane which encircled the building four times before its sudden implosion. Also included in the report is the reaction from Mr Derrick Garvie, a South African architect with 50 years of experience, who stated  that based on his experience, the structure fell as a result of some form of ‘controlled demolition’. 

“No matter how long a lie is sustained, the truth will someday prevail.” – TB Joshua

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