RESTLESS, A Movie With lessons In Trust, Prayer, Perseverance To Hit Cinemas Soon



OpenLife Nigeria reports that in the days ahead, Ulle Anne is excited to announce her latest movie, “RESTLESS.”

Information made available to OpenLife says that it is a thought-provoking film that explores the dangers of envy, pride, and avarice.

The movie follows the story of two friends and how their relationship is put to the test by the sparks of envy and jealousy.

Inspired by God and a true life story, “RESTLESS” is a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a budget of #5million, Ulle Anne has delivered a high-quality production that is set to premiere at Ozone in October/November 2024.

But “RESTLESS” is more than just a movie – it’s a lesson in trust, prayer, and perseverance.

Restless….comes out soon

As Ulle Anne says, “Trust no man but God. Be a prayerful person. Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established, believe His prophet and you shall prosper.”

This movie shows that good always triumphs in the end, if you don’t give up.

And the best part? “RESTLESS” is not just limited to Nigerian cinemas! Ulle Anne has plans to push the movie abroad and into big cinemas, by the grace of God.

Don’t miss out on this gripping movie that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Mark your calendars for the premiere of “RESTLESS” in October/November 2024, and get ready to learn valuable life lessons from this inspiring film.

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