Musa Bello Applauds Rt Honourable Chiroma Mashio For Sallah Gifts To Yobe People

Musa Bello Applauds Rt Honourable Chiroma Mashio

OpenLife Nigeria reports that Honourable Musa Alhaji Bello, Councillor representing Ngelzarma ‘A Ward in Fune Local Government Area of Yobe State has applauded the Speaker, Yobe State House of Assembly, Rt Honourable Chiroma Buba Mashio, for Sallah gifts to people of the State.

Honourable Musa Bello made this appreciation in a statement he personally signed and made available to OpenLife.

In the statement Bello noted that Rt Honourable Chiroma Buba Mashio is one of the best things that have happened in the democratic space of Yobe State as a result of his humanitarian disposition to all issues.

He noted that Mashio is in a class of its own in terms of leadership skills and administrative prowess.

He is a leader and a true leader, indeed.
Rt Honourable Chiroma Buba Mashio loves everyone and he treats everybody equally irrespective of tribe or status.

He is highly detribalized and he does his job with the fears of God.

He has once again demonstrated his humanitarian disposition through numerous gifts to the people of Yobe State for Eid-al-Adha,” Bello appreciated.

It would however be noted that the political pedigree of Rt Honourable Chiroma Buba Mashio who represents Fune Constituency, has resonated so well with the people of Yobe State and beyond that leaders and voters have consistently found him credible enough to be representing Fune State Constituency in the past two decades.

Rt Honourable Chiroma Buba Mashio holds the record of being the longest-serving legislator in the Yobe State House of Assembly since 1999 to date and we are very proud of him.

We are also prepared to elevate him to higher political positions in the years ahead.

“I am personally committed to his elevations and I will continuously do everything to support him,” Honourable Bello promised.

Musa Bello applauds Rt. Honourable Corona Mashio
Honourable Musa Bello, A Ward


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