Lagos Business Man Urges Court To Order NDLEA To Unseal His House And Bank Accounts

Lagos Business Man Urges Court To Order NDLEA To Unseal His House And Bank Accounts

OpenLife Nigeria reports that a Lagos businessman Aloysius Okeke,who is also the Managing Director of Allko Commercial Company, standing trial before a federal high court in Lagos for drug related offences, has filed an application before the court urging the court to issue an order unsealing his house and his bank accounts, since there was no order of the court to seal his house and his bank accounts.

In a 33 paragraphs affidavit deposed to by Mr Aloysius Okeke and filed before the court by his counsel High Chief Benson Ndakara,the deponent avers thus: He is the managing Director of Allko Commercial Company,
the Company deals in tyres at Africa Tyres Village Trade fare, Lagos. He has been in business for about 40 years. He was arrested on the 13th January, 2023.

He denied the allegation made against him by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency NDLEA  that has sealed his Bank Accounts and his Company bank account,

Though  currently on bail, he  contended that Alkko Commercial Company was never charged to Court and no enquiry was made on it.

The activities of the Company are grounded because of the action of the NDLEA
The Company was not charged. Consequently, he is ready to enter into  a bond to allay the fears of the Agency and ready to provide security as required by law.

There is no Order against the Applicant. The staff of the company cannot be paid because of the action of the Agency. He has a house at No. 17, Ben Onyeka Street,Ago Palace, Isolo, Lagos, which is a two storey building.

He rented a warehouse downstairs and a flat upstairs to one Ugochukwu who is now at large.
The NDLEA raided the warehouse and discovered substances and arrested him when they could not get the tenant.

The house belongs to him but the warehouse was rented out to a tenant.

He avers further that right now, his house is under seal as NDLEA officers now live with him in his own house, with their Car parked, with Registration Number LAGOS EPE 512 CB a Camry Car Silver Colour.
That his wife and children and family members are scared of rape and other vices.

He is a legitimate businessman and not a drug dealer and that he has been in business for over 40 years with two banks accounts. His Bank Accounts were sealed without Order of Court, his house is also seal without order of court, he now live in fear.

He contended that the action of NDLEA is oppressive.

Consequently, he urged the court in the interest of justice to grant his application by unsealing his house and his bank accounts.

When the case was mentioned, Chief Ndakara told the court that he has filed an application before the for the court to exercise discretion in the favour of his client, for his accounts and his house to be unsealed as the man is going through a lot of trauma,

However, the NDLEA prosecutor Barrister Lamber Nor told the court that he has not been served with a copy of the application, therefore he needed time to study it when served and react to it.

The presiding Judge, Honourable Justice Daniel Osiagor, adjourned till 19th of March 2024 for hearing of the application.

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