John and Phyllis wed at 100, confess undying love

John, a World War II veteran who just turned 100 and Phyllis who will turn 103 on August 8 are celebrating their new lives together at their Sylvania,  a city in Lucas County, Ohio, United States of America, USA.

They specifically live at Ohio senior living facility.

Longevity runs in Phyllis Cook’s family; her mother lived to be 106.

According to a report on CNN, monitored by OpenLife, the couple went to the courthouse to get their marriage license last week and found out they could get married on the spot.

“It wasn’t the plan, but we got here and they said, ‘we could marry you here.’ I said ‘good, let’s get it over with.”

It wasn’t a rash decision: They had been dating for about a year before they tied the knot.

“To tell you the truth, we fell in love with each other. I know you think that may be a little bit farfetched for somebody of our age, but we fell in love with each other,” Phyllis Cook disclosed.

Both Cooks had lost two spouses in the past and feel lucky to have found love a third time.

“We were just compatible in a whole lot of ways, found ourselves enjoying each other’s company,” John Cook said.

They spend their days together enjoying meals, sitting in the sun and zipping down the halls of the Kingston Residence of Sylvania in their mobility scooters, but they also give each other space.

“What we do, we keep both of our apartments. He’s upstairs, and I’m down,” Phyllis Cook said.

The couple plans to keep busy and enjoy their time together.

Kathy Conway , a Springfield, Massachusetts resident, while congratulating the new couple said “I can see how easily this can happen. Just think of the stories and shared experiences of living their long lifetimes. It’s really heart warming.

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