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FirsBank Refutes Allegation

FirstBank Refutes Allegation

OpenLife Nigeria reports that FirstBank has assured its numerous customers, stakeholders and the general public that depositors’ funds under its custody remain safe and would continue to be so irrespective of the attempts by “recalcitrant debtors” to twist the focus of the bank in the public.

This promise is contained in a statement from the bank.

According to the Bank, it restrains itself from commenting on a “sponsored report” bordering “on a charge brought against the Bank,” saying that would be “sub judice.”

However, the Bank noted that it remains unwavering in the offering of professional services to its customers.

The statement titled Official Statement ” reads in full:

Our attention has been drawn to a sponsored sensational report by some online publications on a charge brought against the Bank.
While we will not be able to offer further comments as the matter is sub-judice,suffice it to say that the basis of the charge is a spurious allegation made by a delinquent debtor with the intention of embarrassing the Bank and tainting the Bank’s loan recovery efforts and legal enforcement of its security collateral interest in accordance with the terms thereof.
We wish to assure our numerous customers, stakeholders and the general public that FirstBank operates by the highest standards of ethical conduct and will under no circumstances involve itself in any act of illegality just as it will take necessary legal steps to check any attempt by recalcitrant
debtors to fritter away depositors’funds under its custody.
Furthermore, FirstBank remains focused on its mission of providing the best financial services to its numerous customers.

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