CDHR Expresses Worries



The attention of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights(CDHR)has been drawn to a recent publication with the above caption published in the Guardian newspaper of 15th March, 2023.

The leadership of CDHR dissociates itself from this publication and states categorically that CDHR had no deliberation or resolution on this issue and consequently made no inputs on this issue alongside other CSOs enumerated in the publication under reference.

CDHR, therefore, wants its members and the general public to disregard and discountenance that unfortunate and disingenuous name dropping in which our organisation was mentioned as one of the groups behind the present campaign. We now believe that dragging CDHR into this exercise without an earlier consultation or notice signal the desperation of the perpetrators in using the name of our reputable organization to legitimise their “proxy war”.

This behaviour alone caste serious doubts on the sincerity and credibility of that unfortunate outing. The person whose name was placed by the side of CDHR has no authority whatsoever.

CDHR nonetheless remains a formidable organization that is committed always to the rule of law and the principles of accountability and due processes on any agency or institution of government and public officers. Ours is however predicted on accurate facts devoid of political motivations and sentiments.

Certainly not, Comrade Gbenga Soloki has no authority to speak for or on behalf of any organ of the CDHR.
Without prejudice to the issues raised in the text of the Press Statement, the initiative would have been more credible if the names of those individuals the EFCC is alleged to be victimising and subjected to media trial, were made known.

For CSOs to be entangled in succession issues and falsification of age declaration within the ranks of the Agency, at this time, is baffling. CDHR is more honorable than that.

Comrade Idris Afees Olayinka,
National Publicity Secretary, CDHR Nigeria.

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