Benin Enigie Suspension: Oba Of Benin Warns Governor Obaseki

Benin Enigie Suspension


OpenLife Nigeria reports that arising from the case before Justice Peter Akhihiero of Edo State High Court in which Evbuobanosa and Egbaen Siluko Dukedoms, Professor Gregory Akenzua and Chief Edomwonyi Ogiegbaen, on behalf of others, dragged the Benin Monarch to court, challenging their suspension from offices, the Oba of Benin, His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo, Uku Akpolokpolo Oba Ewuare II, has warned governor Godwin Obaseki to stay off his reconciliation moves, describing it as “Abomination.”

On the suspension over alleged traditional infractions, two of the suspended Enigies claimed that it is only the State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki and not the Monarch that could suspend them from their positions for allegedly rebelling against the Monarch.

In the process, those who are deeply knowledgeable about the Benin tradition see the court case against Oba as wrong.

However, those in that category pointed at governor Obaseki as being responsible for the case against Oba on account of the palpable face off between the palace and Government House on returned artefacts.

But government spokespersons quickly issued statements denying government’s involvement in the case.

To douse tension, governor Obaseki recently met the suspended Enigies and sued for out of court settlement.

Reacting, the palace, in a statement on Wednesday, warned governor Obaseki to stay off the matter.

The palace considered Obaseki’s move as an “Abomination, ” claiming that the Oba reigns over the Benin kingdom as the spiritual father of all.

The statement added that it is an “afront” for anyone to see the Oba having dispute with his subject let alone settlement.

The statement further stressed that it is an abomination for any individual to interfere in a age long traditional arbitration available for dispute resolution.

The statement is reproduced below,  unedited



Our attention has been drawn to the reported plan by the Governor of Edo State, His Excellency, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, to initiate dispute resolution of the suit filed by two suspended Enigie against His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo, Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba of Benin.

Our attention has also been drawn to a Press Statement credited to the Honourable Commissioner for Communication and Orientation, Edo State, Mr. Chris Nehikhare in which he claims that the suit filed by the Enigie is a family dispute within the Benin Royal Family.

We wish to state for the avoidance of doubt that the Benin Traditional Institution has a well-established and fully functional process of customary arbitration under the authority of His Royal Majesty, The Oba of Benin.

This process of customary arbitration is well- known to all Benin traditional chiefs, including the suspended Enigie. Any traditional chief who has any genuine cause to be aggrieved is at liberty to explore this customary arbitration process.

It is therefore an abomination for any individual to seek to interfere with this age-long and well-established process of customary arbitration.

We also wish to emphasize that His Royal Majesty, The Oba of Benin reigns over the Benin Kingdom as the spiritual and royal father of the Benin people irrespective of family status, age and office.

Consequently, it is an affront for anyone to suggest that His Royal Majesty, The Oba of Benin is in dispute with those over whom he reigns, including members of the Royal Family.

We admonish members of the general public to be wary of the abominable efforts to undermine the Benin Traditional Institution through deliberate acts and utterances which are calculated to create confusion.

We appeal to members of the general public to remain law-abiding, and pray for peace to continue to reign in Benin Kingdom.

Long Live the Benin Kingdom.

Long live Edo State.

Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Oba ghato kpere!

Signed on behalf of the Palace Chiefs of Benin Kingdom by:

Chief Norense Ozigbo-Esere Osuma of Benin

Chief Edionwe Oliha Oliha of Benin

Chief Henry Osato Bazuaye Aiwerioghene of Benin

Chief Ekhoerovbiye Oviasogle Uwangue of Benin

Chief Ada Igbinovia Fribo of Benin

Chief Stanley Obamwonyi Esere of Benin

Chief Osaro Idah Obazelu of Benin

Chief Okuonghae Edomwandagbon Ine of Benin

Chief David Aihiokun Ehondor Obahiagbon of Benin


The warning letter

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