CDHR Lagos Office Under Siege

Committee For The Defence Of Human Rights, CDHR, Lagos Office Under Siege

Committee For The Defence Of Human Rights

OpenLife Nigeria reports that the attention of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR) was drawn to the activities of Nigerian police around its National Headquarters Ikeja at the early hours of Friday 9th August.

The police laid siege around the Rights House, preventing the inhabitants from gaining entrance.

CDHR gathered that the presence of police at the Rights House is to stop the Education Rights Campaign Symposium scheduled to hold at the main hall of the CDHR in the Rights House. The police were seen with several hilux vans laying siege around the CDHR National Headquarters Rights House, preventing the participants from holding the program.

CDHR Lagos Office Under Siege
Police officers at CDHR office in Lagos

According to a statement jointly signed by Comrade Debo Adeniran, National President CDHR Nigeria and Comrade Idris Afees Olayinka,National Publicity Secretary CDHR Nigeria, made available to OpenLife, the organisation, however, uses this medium to call on Inspector General of Police and the Lagos State Police Commissioner to call these people to order from stopping a lawful and peaceful assembly.
Otherwise, it will tantamount to gross violation of rights to peaceful assembly and freedom speech.

CDHR Lagos Office Under Siege
Police Officers at CDHR office in Lagos

CDHR hopes the police authority presence at our National Headquarters is meant for the protection of the symposium and maintenance of law as well as peaceful deliberation. CDHR, therefore, warns the police authority presently at the Right House not to be overzealous but allow the program to go on as scheduled.

CDHR will continue to monitor the events and react accordingly if the need be.

CDHR Lagos Office Under Siege

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